My Story
I have always been a lover of Scentsy. I remember my first favorite scent was the (still popular) Black Raspberry Vanilla. But it's not just the smells I love - with two youngsters on my hands, the safety means a lot to me! There's been so many times my daughter has been curious, or just looking to push my buttons, and has messed with the warm wax. No harm done to her and I can't be any more thankful to Scentsy for that feature. Speaking of youngsters - I have two wonderful children and I've been a SAHM for 6 years. Now that my oldest is in school during the day I finally decided to take the leap and join this wonderful family now that I have just a bit more time on my hands with one less kid in the house during the day. My amazing husband has been the sole provider for our family for all of those years and while he's never failed us, I can't help but want to help him provide for our family and make the end of my days feel more accomplished. Now's my chance! Help me on my journey and thanks for stopping by!